ディーリ・マンション. Service Apartments. Apartamentos por dia

Visiting Japan? Particularly the area of KYUSHU. The Suzuki Real Estate offers service apartments in the capital of the island, in the city of Fukuoka, with all the you might need for a business trip, a short stay, a social gathering, vacation trip. The price is very cheap compared to a hotel, 3,850 yens (around 40 US dollars) for 1 day, and it included some beer, juice, water, tea. They are fully furnished apartments will all the things that you might need like: bed, towels, washing machine, soap, shampoo, bath towel, slippers, rice cooker, water boiler, fry pan, vacuum cleaner, air conditioning-heating, TV.
Please feel welcome to contact the agency to make a reservation at the following e-mail suzukifudosan@gmail.com. English and Spanish speaking staff is available (if calling by phone and you don`t speak japanese, say EIGO TANTOSHA ONEGAISHIMASU and you will be contacted). Some apartments have also internet service.

In order to make a reservation please contact us at the following number: From inside Japan 092-631-3144 From overseas: 81-92-631-3144

Va a visitar Japon? En particular el Area de Kyushu para un viaje corto, una reunion social, o unas vacaciones. La Agencia de Bienes Raices Suzuki ofrece el servicio de apartamentos por dia en la capital de la isla, la ciudad de Fukuoka. El precio es mas economico que un hotel 3,850 yenes por 1 dia (alrededor de 40 dolares), e incluye muestras de bebida como cerveza, jugo, agua y te. Son apartamentos completamente amueblados y contienen todo lo basico que pueda necesitar: cama, toallas, lavadora, jabon, shapoo, bata de bano, pantuflas, arrocera, hervidor de agua, sarten, aspiradora, aire acondicionado-calefaxion y Televisor. Algunos apartamentos incluyen el servicio de internet.
Pueden contactar a la agencia al siguiente e-mail suzukifudosan@gmail.com. Hay personal que habla ingles y español (si llama por teléfono y no sabe hablar japones simplemente diga EIGO TANTOSHA ONEGAISHIMASU y sera transferido con un representante.
Para hacer reservaciones, por favor contactar al Tel. 092-631-3144 (desde Japon) o 81-92-631-3144 desde el extranjero.

体ひとつで即入居可能。生活用品完備、特にベットはマルチラススーパースプリング使用、本物のフランスベットを設置。ご利用期間、1日だけ利用の方から長 期滞在の方、家が新しく建つまでの期間ご利用されたい方など、当社では様々な方にご利用頂いております。 1日 3,850円より (1Rタイプ・別途に光熱費630円、保険代100円/日かかります) 他にも色々な間取・ランクなどで値段の違いがあります。 また希望地区におけるお部屋が満室の場合がありますので、予めご了承ください。また、物件によっては、駐車場も有ります。 その他にもご相談に応じますので、ご一報下さい。
お 申込の方は当社まで電話・(092-631-3144)または FAX(092-631-2860)にて御連絡下さるか、または下記の お申し込み・お問い合わせ・メール suzunet@mb.infoweb.ne.jp。 ご希望日程中、ご 希望物件に空室があればお申込頂けます。

シュラインはこざき - Shrine Hakozaki

ハイツ長尾 - Hights Nagao

大寿ビル - Daiju Building

First University in America. La Primera Universidad de America.

UASD expone copia de bula papal autorizó su fundación
La réplica del documento tiene fecha del 23 de marzo de 1542
The Autonomus University of Santo Domingo started the exhibition of the "POPE's BULA" that authorized its creation. The replica of the document is dated March 23rd 1542.

A propósito de celebrarse el aniversario 471 de la fundación de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), sus autoridades desvelizaron ayer la copia más antigua de la Bula “In Apostulatus Culmine”, con la que el Papa Paulo III dejó fundada esa academia, el 28 de octubre de 1538.

Taking into consideration the celebration of its 471 anniversary the University authorities put on display the oldest copy of the Bula “In Apostulatus Culmine” in which Pope Paul III founded the academy on October 28th 1538,

El documento, expuesto en el Museo de la Rectoría, puso fin a los cuestionamientos al título de Primada de América que iniciaron las universidades de Lima y México en el siglo XVIII y su hallazgo fue producto de las investigaciones del padre Vicente Beltrán de Heredia, en 1954, y de Sor Águeda Rodríguez Cruz.

This document ended the dispute started by the University of Lima and Mexico in the 18th century when they claimed that they were the firsts universities. This document was found thanks to the investigations of father Vicente Beltran de Heredia in 1954 and Sister Agueda Rodriguez Cruz.

García Fermín valoró la importancia del hallazgo de la bula en el Museo de Indias de Sevilla, España, con el que, dijo, se ratifica la historia de la universidad, y agradeció los esfuerzos por la donación de la copia.

Garcia Fermin Dean of the University expressed the importance of the finding of the copy in the Museum of Indias of Sevilla, Spain, because this document ratifies the History of the University and thanked to the people that help in the finding and the donation of the copy to the University.

Algo de historia

Breaf history notes.

La bula “In apostulatus culmine” fue emitida por el Papa Paulo III a solicitud de los padres dominicos. El texto original se perdió en febrero de 1586, cuando los archivos de la Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino y de la biblioteca de los Dominicos fueron incendiados por el pirata inglés Francis Drake. Empero, la que se conserva es la copia legalizada que se exhibe en la Rectoría.

The Bula "In Apostulatus culmine" was issued by Pope Paul III due to the request of the Dominicus priests. The original text was lost in February 1586 when the archives of the University of Santo Tomas de Aquino and the library of the Dominicos were set on fire by the English pirate Francis Drake. It is a legalized copy that is now on display at the Rectory of the Universiy

1969 vs. 2009 education. Educación en 1969 vs. 2009. 1969年の教育と2009

Fukuoka anti-gang measures. Fukuoka establece medidas contra la mafia.

The Fukuoka Prefectural Assembly unanimously passed a measure to strengthening its control over criminal gang activity. The bill prohibits enterprises from distributing their profits to gangs through such means as excessive discounts on transactions, and provides for a maximum of one year in jail or a fine of up to 500,000 yen for doing so. Fukuoka becomes the first prefectural assembly to pass such a bill.

La Asamblea de la Prefectura de Fukuoka aprobó de forma unánime medidas para hacer mas estricto el control para impedir actividades delictivas de la mafia. La ley prohibe a empresas el distribuir sus ganancias a la mafia a través de grandes descuentos y establece un maximo de un año en prisión y una multa de hasta 500,000 yenes a las que lo hagan. Fukuoka es la primera prefectura que aprueba una legislación de este tipo.

Beacon website shines light on e-health

The stresses of managing a budding acting career and her Year 12 studies is something Home and Away's Samara Weaving knows a little about.

The young star has helped launch a groundbreaking website which will help guide people, young and old, through the myriad of mental and physical e-health applications now available online.

The Beacon web portal, developed by a team at the Australian National University, is a world-first compilation of online mental and physical e-health programs.

Not only does it provide access to e-health programs for health professionals and members of the community, the site also provides a description and scientific rating of the effectiveness for each.

Weaving says she was happy to lend her support to the launch, adding that for her and others of her generation, the internet is where they get a lot of their information.

"I think my generation go to the internet as their main source of information, especially when it comes to more serious subjects," she said at the launch of the website in Canberra.

"You do need a reliable source and I think Beacon does that really well, especially with analysing all the websites and telling you just how reliable they are."

To date, Beacon has reviewed 100 programs across a range of categories including depression, social anxiety and eating disorders.

But Professor Helen Christensen, from the Australian National University Centre for Mental Health Research, said the website was not just for the younger generation.

"It's really been designed for everybody, parents of young people, doctors, health professionals who may not have at their finger tips what is available in terms of self help."