Real-Estate Investment Survey


Nomura Real-estate just released the results of a survey of real-estate investors which gives some interesting insight into Japanese investors.

The survey of Nomura web-site members was conducted from May 13 to June 3. There were a total of 761 responses, of which 53% already owned investment real-estate.

About 52% of all respondents stated that “now” was the time to buy real-estate. A further 38% said that it would “soon” be time to buy.

Of those who already own investment real-estate, about half were salaried workers. Their average age was 46.2 and more than 50% had annual incomes of more than Y10mm. Those who owned mansion-style condos were 55%, wooden apartments 36.2%, multi-dwelling buildings 30.7%, and commercial buildings 13.7% (some investors own multiple types). The invested amount ranged from 25% of investors with under Y30mm, 35% of investors with Y30 to 100mm and 40% of investors had over Y100mm of investment real-estate. About two thirds of investors said they had more than 70% leverage, while only 18% of investors were all-cash. For property management, 70% of investors used a property management agent, and 15% of investors purchased rental insurance.

The survey also asked questions to those looking to purchase real-estate. Interestingly, 54% of future investors said they were looking to purchase multi-dwelling buildings, only 42% said they were looking for single unit condos. Their budget ranged from 28.6% with less than Y30mm, 41.4% with Y30-100mm and 30% of future investors had a budget greater than Y100mm. About 55% said they were looking to buy within the 23 wards of Tokyo, with as much as 46% looking in the most central 5 wards. Almost 75% of respondants said they wanted to invest in real-estate for stable passive income, with 34% saying the investment was part of their retirement planning.

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