The king of Pop Michael Jackson is dead. The Legend Michael Jackson beggins. El rey del Pop Michael Jackson ha muerto. La leyenda comienza

When I woke up this morning the first thing I saw on my Iphone was a message from a friend telling me "did you know who died, I'm so sad.", and I though oh yeah Sarah Fawcett, and then saw the message of another friend, "Michael Jackson is dead". I stopped for a moment and I though I was still dreaming and that all that was unreal, but then started my computer and say the first page on yahoo news and said to myself It is really true. Then the big question was "how did he died" "and at that moment I could not help but remember Marylin Monroe and Elvis Presley.
I was not a huge fan of Mr. Jackson but I have to say that he was truly a genius and the greatest artis of our era. He marked my childhood with his song, and the world right now is united in the mourning. It is indeed a great loss.
But we need to rember that he left a legacy, His Music, His videos, His concerts, His way of dancing, and in the many years to come he will continue to inspire people from all over the world.
It is true that hi had a troubled life, and that as a human was a sinner, but it is not up to us to judge him, now he is in the presence of God and HE will be the one doing the judging. All that we can do is pray for the eternal rest of his soul, and our condolences to the people who are right now suffering for his absence, specially his family.

Here I would like to leave some pictures of him representing all the most important periods of his life.

The two official women in his life

One of the reasons he was called wacko was his looks


Japanese Laws in Foreign Languages. Las Leyes de Japón en idiomas extranjeros

The Ministry of Justice started a program to translate the principal Japanese laws and regulations into foreign languages, currently English. The main purpose of this project is to provide the an official translation of the Laws and Regulations of Japan.
And on April 1st the exclusive homepage was launched, to access the page click HERE

El Ministerio de Justicia de Japón ha comenzado un programa para traducir las principales leyes y regulaciones de Japón a idiomas extranjeros, actualmente el ingles es el idioma en el que están trabajando. El principal objetivo de este proyecto es ofrecer traducciones oficinales de las Leyes y Regulaciones Japonesas.
La Pagina Web en donde se pueden encontrar dichas traduciones fue puesta online el primero de Abril y se puede accesar dando un click AQUI (actualmente la pagina solo esta en ingles)

The New Nationality Law of Japan. La nueva Ley de nacionalidad de Japón

The Nationality Law of Japan is adapting to the new demands, and following a decision of the Japanese Supreme Court that declared the law unconstitutional, the Law was reformed, in order to now allow the sons born of Japanese parents and foreign parents that were not married to be eligible to obtain the Japanese nationality, which is something that was not very well regulated, as before it was necessary that before the birth of the child the Japanese male parent make a declaration in the ward office that such a child was going to be born and that was his child, and in practice that was something that rarely had any application. Now that requisite was completely eliminated.
The challenge ahead is that foreigners that have children with their japanese couple and Japanese officials learn about this new Law and procedures.
More info can be found in the home page of the Ministry of Justice of Japan and a the details can be downloaded HERE

La Ley de Nacionalidad Japonesa se está adaptando a las nuevas demandas, y siguiendo una decisión de la Suprema Corte de Justicia Japonesa que declaró la antigua ley inconstitucional, dicha ley fue modificada, para ahora permitir que los hijos nacidos de padres japoneses con extranjeras que no estuvieran casados, puedan tener derecho a la nacionalidad japonesa, situación que antes no esta muy bien regulada ya que antes era necesario que el padre japones hiciera una declaración por ante los oficiales del Ayuntamiento de que un hijo le iba a nacer y que era su hijo. Este requisito era rara vez cumplido en la práctica lo cual dejaba a dicho niños sin el derecho a la nacionalidad japonesa. La nueva ley ha eliminado dicho requisito.
Ahora el reto es que las mujeres que tienen hijos con japoneses y los oficiales de los consulados y embajadas de Japón en el mundo conozcan la nueva ley y la forma de implementarla.

Earthquake in Fukuoka. Temblor en Fukuoka.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency in their Earthquake Information (Earthquake and Seismic Intensity Information) Issued at 23:15 JST 25 Jun 2009, the Fukuoka region experienced a seismic activity of 4.6 magnitude.
I have to say that this is a very rare thing in this area of Japan, as in the more than 4 years that I have living here only once before I experiences something like this.

De acuerdo con la Agencia Meteorológica de Japón en su informe sobre terremotos, ellos emitieron un comunicado de fecha 25 de junio de 2009 a las 23:15 horas, en donde anunciaban que la region de Fukuoka experimento un temblor de magnitud 4.6
Yo personalmente tengo que decir que esto es algo poco comun en esta zona y que en los mas de 4 años que llevo viviendo en Japón solamente una vez he experimentado algo asi.